Churchill goes that extra mile
Frustration-free claims investigations. Complete & accurate no matter what is encountered. Timely reports. Available and responsive customer service.
We Are A National Multi-line Independent
Claims Adjusting Firm
Dear Claims Professional,
Churchill Claims Services is a multi-line independent claims adjusting firm providing services nationwide.
We specialize in all facets of multi-line insurance adjusting including Automobile, Trucking losses, General Liability, Property, Inland Marine, Products Liability and Malpractice.
Some of our existing clientele includes K&K Insurance, Hanover Insurance, Great American Insurance, Vanliner Insurance and there is a long list of others.
Prompt service and immediate contact at the time of assignment are an essential part of our service.
You will receive timely reports from our company which cover all the facts and leave no stones unturned. We deliver a 24-hour acknowledgement, a full captioned preliminary report within 15 days or less depending upon your requirements and a report every 30 days thereafter.
You can email or send orders through our website.
Sincerely, John G. Hawkins
Churchill Claims Services